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    Wall spacer with cones

    Ready assembled wall spacer from plastic sleeve 22 x 26 mm and plastic cones with 10 mm concrete cover for vertical formworks with testing on fire behaviour.
    The variant 1 is an injected piece of sleeve with additional anchoring aids in concrete.

    Other diameters or length on request

    Item Nr. 202. (with 22 x 26 mm sleeves)
    Item Nr. 204. (with 26 x 30 mm sleeves), variant 2
    Item Nr. 206. (with 26 x 32 mm sleeves), variant 2

    * Variant 1

    Item Number Length
    Dimension in mm
    PU in piece
    PU in piece
    202.012 120 100 5.000
    202.015 150 100 5.000
    202.0175 175 100 5.000
    202.018 * 180 100 5.000
    202.020 * 200 100 4.000
    202.022 220 100 4.000
    202.024 * 240 100 4.000
    202.025 * 250 100 4.000
    202.030 * 300 100 4.000
    202.035 350 75 3.000
    202.0365 365 75 3.000
    202.040 400 75 3.000
    202.045 450 50 2.000
    202.050 500 50 2.000

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